Monday, July 28, 2008

Blogging with Maria

Maria is moving far far we thought it would be fun to blog to keep in touch. So this is my first post. Woohooooo!!!!


Dave said...

How can I not read a blog about good food! Will be checking in often...probably about 5 times a day...breakfast, 11 zzz's, lunch, dinner, and late night snack.

Love the pic!

Happy blogging!

Dave said...

As I'm thinking about it...we have eaten a lot of great meals together...maybe you could just blog about those. You know the meals, the kind that start at 7 and you don't finish eating well past midnight...oh yeah!

But as I'm thinking about it, maybe you should blog about the ones that Kirsten and I haven't been we can enjoy them too!

I guess I must be getting hungry. It's almost time for my midnight snack!

char said...

DAVE!!!!! I like the way you think! There's a reason we're friends. I now have the inspiration I need to overcome the proverbial blank page...Stay tuned...

Carissa said...

Ok, how many blogs do you people have....I've seen 3 already. :) That's ok, I love them all. Although it's unfortunate that you have some "classy" pictures of me in your slide show...ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I'm so excited!
Keep up the posting!